SEM Supporter

SEM Supporter software automates SEM image collection for the creation of a photo montage and provides a means of navigation, image overlay, and image analysis*.

SEM Supporter

Initial navigation and set up can be accomplished from any image (optical microscope, digital camera, SEM image). Recipes can be created for moving to specific locations on a sample set for collection of individual images or creating a grid for photo montage collection.

SEM Supporter System Overview

  • Navigation from optical images with P/Q alignment
  • Automatic image acquisition and montage creation
  • Advanced montage features: multiple montages with different mags, multiple signal acquisition, templates, focus height map
  • Overlay SE image onto OM image

* Optional Region Advisor: Automatic grain and particle analysis with exportable data and additional image processing/editing software 

* Optional Measurement Advisor: Measure and draw lines, angles, edge profiles, etc. as well as additional image processing/editing software

SEM Supporter Product Note

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