(April 25, 2017, Peabody, Mass.) JEOL, a global leader in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for imaging and analysis, will exhibit its popular InTouchScope series SEM at Ceramics Expo in Cleveland, OH on April 25-27.
From surface observation to cross-section imaging and analysis, JEOL Scanning Electron Microscopes and ion beam polishers reveal structural and elemental details to ensure the quality and composition of materials. JEOL instruments make it possible to examine the inner structure and core of ceramic powders, and to observe quantity and distribution of multiple components, and investigate failures and wear of complex mixtures.
Adding to its comprehensive line of SEMs, JEOL introduces a game-changing high resolution, large-chamber SEM that delivers high resolution performance with the simplicity of an entry-level microscope.
With its new high brightness, long life emitter, the user can expect exceptional fidelity at any kV.
The JSM-IT300HR has a large analytical chamber that accommodates multiple detectors such as: EDS, WDS, EBSD, CL, and more, creating a virtual nano-lab inside the SEM. The specimen stage is mounted inside the chamber, enabling users to secure large, heavy and odd shaped objects on the stage with clear positioning prior to evacuating the chamber.
Low vacuum capability is built in, allowing for imaging and analysis of all types of samples in their native state. The JEOL EDS detector allows fast analysis directly from the SEM software interface.
InTouchScope™ Experience
The JSM-IT300HR is an all-new InTouchScope™ series SEM designed to make SEM accessible to everyone. All the controls are at your fingertips with its intuitive software interface. The operator can use the multi-touch interface along with keyboard and mouse. Advanced automatic algorithms produce clear images in a snap. A ‘Navi’ mode guides operation from sample introduction to automatic condition setting for new or occasional users.
The JSM-IT300HR provides expanded performance over traditional W SEMs at a very attractive price, and is the ideal high resolution, versatile SEM for any lab.
Cross Section Polishing for Pristine Cross Sections of Samples

Polycrystalline silicon cross section, EDS analysis.
For the ultimate in cross section imaging and analysis of brittle, soft, or composite samples, the JEOL ion beam cross section polisher is the ideal sample preparation tool. It produces pristine cross sections and maintains the integrity of the sample for optimal imaging and analysis of grain orientation at a high probe current and low scan rates on a well-polished, flat surface.
For more information visit our applications for ceramics page.