JEOL USA Press Releases

JEOL USA Press Releases


JEOL USA Press Releases

Sawada, Hide.jpg

April 19, 2021 Peabody, Mass. -- JEOL USA welcomes a new Managing Director, Dr. Hidetaka Sawada, to its Peabody, Massachusetts office this April. Dr. Sawada is a world-renowned expert in aberration corrected electron microscopy. Most recently he served as General Manager of the Technical and Development group in the Electron Microscopy Business Unit of JEOL, Ltd. in Akishima, Japan.

Dr. Sawada’s expertise includes the development and installation of the aberration-corrected (Cs) Transmission Electron Microscopes for Oxford University, Lehigh University, and Oak Ridge National Lab, and the GRAND ARM at University of California at Irvine. Dr. Sawada obtained his PhD from the University of Tokyo.

He supported TEM development at Oxford University with Professor Angus Kirkland and with JEOL customers throughout Europe as a member of the JEOL UK office. Kirkland and Sawada have published several papers together on instrument developments and their use in a range of materials characterization problems.

“It has been a great pleasure to work with him on a number of projects, starting with the Oxford-JEOL project in Oxford through the GRAND ARM at the National Centre in Harwell where he spent two years, and most recently on the development of instruments for the Rosalind Franklin Institute.  Dr. Sawada is both a valued colleague and a friend, and I wish him every success in his new role at JEOL USA,” Prof. Kirkland said.

Dr. Sawada succeeds Katsu Yaguchi, who held several key positions in information technology, business planning and finance since joining JEOL.  JEOL USA President Robert Pohorenec said, “The influence of Katsu Yaguchi has been extremely valuable to us and will continue to influence JEOL USA in future. We welcome Hide Sawada to our JEOL USA office and know that he will be a great resource for our microscopy community.”

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