Broad Ion Beam Milling

Cross Section Polisher™ (shown left), Cooling Cross Section Polisher™ (shown right)

Our Cross Section Polishers™ (CPs) are widely used broad ion beam milling instruments for preparing specimens for electron microscopy. Eliminating artifacts associated with traditional mechanical preparation methods, the CP produces pristine cross sections of difficult specimens: brittle materials, multilayer coatings with differences in hardness or thermal expansion, fragile porous materials, polymers and composites, etc. The result is a high-quality cross section with an artifact-free surface, ideal for imaging and microanalysis (EDS, WDS, EBSD) by SEM, EPMA or Auger.

Choose between our Cross Section Polisher™ (IB-19540CP) and our Cooling Cross Section Polisher™ (IB-19550CCP) for thermally sensitive materials. These new configurations are equipped with our High-Speed Milling Source for ultra-fast preparation (up to 1.2mm/hour on Si).

Air Isolation Workflow options are available for quick preparation and transfer of specimens that are air sensitive.

Key Features

High-Speed Milling Source

High-Speed Milling Source
Specimen: Si; Ion Energy: 10 keV, Milling Time: 1 hour
All CP configurations come standard with an improved high current density ion source that allows an ion beam accelerating voltage of up to 10keV for ultra-fast milling rates, up to 1.2 mm/h.
Modes for Intermittent milling (automated duty cycle for beam sensitive specimens) and fine milling (low voltage fine finish of specimen surfaces, ideally suited for techniques such as EBSD) are included.

User Friendly Software Interface – Guided Workflow - Remote Control Enabled

The new remote-enabled flow chart-style control panel guides the setup process step-by-step. Preset functions allow you to save and recall process conditions for quick/optimized setup of different specimen types. An auto start function is built-in.

Milling Monitoring Camera – Option

Milling Monitoring Camera – Option
Equip with our Milling Monitoring Camera to monitor and adjust the milling process. Connect to your LAN for remote access and control. Follow, monitor and adjust the milling process through a web browser.
Milling Monitoring Camera

Cooling Cross Section Polisher™ - Auto Cooling and Auto Return to Room Temperature

Ideal for preparing materials that are sensitive to thermal damage such as polymers, solder, metallic lithium and galvanized steel. The innovative design allows for long cooling retention time while conserving liquid nitrogen.
Cooling Cross Section Polisher™ - Auto Cooling and Auto Return to Room Temperature
  • Continuously mill for 8 hours or more at -120° C
  • System can be programmed to automatically return to room temperature after the milling process.
  • Specimen exchange can be performed even when liquid nitrogen is present.

Multi-purpose Stage

Fits a variety of sample holder options from large area milling, planar milling, carbon sputter coating and air isolation transfer. Standard holders are fully compatible with JEOL SEM stages for direct transfer. Specimen stage swing function ensures artifact-free surfaces.

Air Isolation Workflow – Option

For samples that are reactive to air, a transfer vessel system is available. Mount the sample in a glovebox, transfer directly to the Cross Section Polisher for milling then directly to JEOL SEM.
Air Isolation Workflow – Option

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