Using Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscopes for AM Quality Control

Using Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscopes for AM Quality Control

Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscopes are powerful tools for failure analysis, quality control and materials characterization in additive manufacturing.

Rosuvastatin-LV-3D-Extracted Profile

Benefits of Tabletop SEM in Pharmaceutical R&D

The tabletop scanning electron microscope (tabletop SEM) will likely play a pivotal role in the rapid and efficient characterization of new drug treatments.

Using Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometry for Pesticide Analysis

Using Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometry for Pesticide Analysis

Triple-quad mass spectrometers are particularly well-suited for pesticide analysis as they enable the quantification of a large number of compounds with excellent sensitivity. Read on.

JMS-TQ4000GC Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometer

Pesticide Residue Analysis with GC-MS/MS

What is pesticide residue analysis, why is it important, and how can a GC-MS/MS instrument simplify this workflow?

Benchtop SEM

Tabletop SEM Imaging Workflows from JEOL

Some research objectives demand a multidimensional approach, whereby SEM imaging is combined with a unique workflow of additional testing equipment.

Fig. 1. EDS map of LiB cathode at 1.2kV, 6nA, 10kX. The map shows the distribution of C, F, Co, and O. Taken with JEOL FESEM.

Designing Better Batteries Through Innovative Microscopy Characterization

Lithium-ion batteries were commercially introduced in 1991, presenting new analytical challenges in the quest to improve the quality, safety, and lifespan of this fastest-growing battery chemistry. The basic structure of Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) contains as many as 10 different thin films that are synthesized to form at least that many solid−solid interfaces. These interfaces consist of thin layers of cathode material, insulating barriers, anode materials, metal current collectors, and the electrolyte. These various components are in the form of powders, sheets, and fluids and require an assessment before and after assembly and after repeated charge/discharge operations.

Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometer

A Quick Introduction to Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

Triple-quad mass spectrometry technology was invented by Christie G. Enke and Richard A. Yost in the late 1970’s. Here's all you need to know.

SEM Image of Kidney Tissue

TEM vs. SEM Imaging: What's the Difference?

The key difference between SEM imaging and TEM is that SEM produces an image by detecting secondary or backscattered electrons, whereas TEM uses transmitted electrons to form an image.

Understanding the Basics of 3D Electron Microscopy

Understanding the Basics of 3D Electron Microscopy

A relatively novel frontier in improving the depth of metrological data that electron microscopy can provide is three-dimensional (3D) electron microscopy.

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