JEOL USA Press Releases

Researchers first to prove ZIKA Virus associated with Microcephaly Used JEOL Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) for imaging brain sections

Scientists from the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology and the Institute of Pathology in Ljubljana, Slovenia are the first in the world to publish and prove that the ZIKA virus is associated with Microcephaly (New England Journal of Medicine, February 10, 2016). ZIKV was found in fetal brain tissue on reversetranscriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay, with consistent findings on electron microscopy. The complete genome of ZIKV was recovered from the fetal brain. Imaging of the ultrathin ...

New JEOL "F2" Versatile S/TEM Offers Advanced Analytical Features

(February 3, 2016 -- Peabody, MA) -- JEOL's most recent addition to its suite of Transmission Electron Microscopes is the versatile JEM-F200, or "F2," the only advanced analytical, high throughput 200kV S/TEM in its class to offer a Cold Field Emission Gun and dual Silicon Drift Detectors. "The combined boost in probe current from the Cold FEG with the dual EDS makes this a fabulous analytical machine," says Dr. Thomas Isabell, Director of the JEOL ...

JEOL Brasil Sponsors LNNano Transmission Electron Microscopy Summer School

August 20, 2015 (Peabody, MA and Sao Paulo, Brazil) --- JEOL BRASIL Instrumentos Científicos Ltda. is proud to sponsor the 6th biannual Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Summer School being held at the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano), located in the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) campus, Campinas - Brazil. The classroom sessions will be scheduled between January 11 and 29, 2016. Candidates may apply until August 31st. 100 participants are ...

JEOL and UC Irvine Partner to Develop Premier Electron Microscopy and Materials Research Center

(January 13, 2015 -- Peabody, Mass.) JEOL USA and the University of California's Irvine Materials Research Institute (IMRI) have entered into a strategic partnership to create a premier electron microscopy and materials science research facility. The IMRI will serve as an interdisciplinary nexus for the study and development of new materials, enabling advances in solar cell, battery, semiconductor, biological science, and medical technologies.  The IMRI is headed by Dr. Xiaoqing Pan, an internationally-recognized researcher ...

Grand ARM Offers Unprecedented 63pm Resolution

JEOL Ltd. (President Gon-emon Kurihara) is pleased to announce the development and start of sales of a new atomic resolution electron microscope, JEM-ARM300F. Product development background Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has long been a tool essential for micro structure evaluation in the field of materials development. However, as the fine structures of advanced materials are being designed at the nano level or atomic level, the synthetic process for such materials increasingly requires imaging and analysis at higher ...

Take Your Best Shot! JEOL Launches SEM/TEM Image Contest

March 6, Peabody, Mass. -- JEOL USA has launched an imaging contest to showcase some of the best work of users of its electron microscopes. A winning image will be selected for each month of 2014, judged by JEOL's SEM and TEM applications teams for their technical and artistic qualities. "Many customers have asked us about launching an image contest, so we decided to do just that starting this year. JEOL SEM and TEM users ...

JEOL Demonstrates New JEM-1400Plus 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope for High Contrast, CryoTEM, and S/TEM Applications

August 5, 2013 (M&M 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana) -- JEOL USA will demonstrate its new JEM-1400Plus, a 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope, at Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana, from August 5-8. Based on the popular JEM-1400, the new TEM is making its debut in the United States at the annual meeting of the Microscopy Society of America. JEOL and Protochips have combined efforts to showcase the new TEM technology with the Aduro thermal sample ...

JEOL Unveils New High Throughput, Automated TEM for Nano-analysis

July 12, 2011 (Peabody, Mass.) -- A new 200kV Transmission Electron Microscope from JEOL delivers high throughput nano-analysis for process and quality control of mass produced semiconductor and materials samples. The multi-function JEOL JEM-2800 features high resolution imaging in TEM, STEM, and SE modes; ultrasensitive elemental mapping with a large angle Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS); Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) for chemical analysis; critical dimension analysis; tomography; and in situ observation of samples. The ...

JEOL "Flash & Go"™ Speeds Operation of ARM200F Cold FEG Transmission Electron Microscope

JEOL's atomic resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), the JEM-ARM200F, sets a new standard for rapidly resuming operation after flashing, a routine procedure conducted with any TEM featuring a Cold FEG source. Long considered a tradeoff for the higher resolution, higher brightness, and smaller energy spread of a cold FEG TEM, emission stability degrades due to residual gases in the area of the tip. With conventional cold FEG TEMs, the operator must flash every few ...

New Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT Selects JEOL Transmission Electron Microscope

October 25, 2010 (Peabody, Mass.) -- JEOL USA announced today that the new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, opening in November at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has selected the JEOL JEM-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope for its new microscopy core. The 200kV Field Emission TEM offers a highly flexible platform for both biological and materials applications. It features rapid data acquisition with uncompromised resolution and analytical performance. This latest generation ...
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