Electron Optic Documents

SEM manufacturers can choose different output sizes for their images, making magnification a very deceptive number when comparing SEM micrographs from different SEM manufacturers. Because of this fact, the best way to compare images is to compare the length of the micron bar or field of view.

There are a number of applications where scientists and engineers are faced with air or moisture sensitive samples that require imaging and analysis using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Applications include: components in rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, and catalysts among others. Any exposure to oxygen or moisture in the air can completely alter or destroy the structure of these highly reactive materials. JEOL has built a special air-lock system that can handle the transfer of air-sensitive specimens to be imaged in the SEM without atmospheric exposure.

The ability to increase the probe current for fast microanalysis, while still maintaining a small spot size and small volume of excitation for high resolution, has been the holy grail of microanalysis in SEM. One of the unique features of JEOL’s FE-SEMs is the patented Aperture Angle Control Lens (ACL). This lens automatically optimizes for both high resolution imaging at low probe currents and high spatial resolution X-ray analysis at high probe currents with a seamless transition between the two.

JEOL now offers both simple and advanced automation solutions, giving users the capability to develop protocols that fit their exact imaging needs. When paired with best-in- class AI-driven auto-function technology (auto focus, auto astigmatism correction, auto brightness/contrast), JEOL’s automation solutions are fast, reliable, reproducible, and applicable to a wide range of applications.

The holy grail of nanoscale analysis with EDS is to quickly analyze any features which can be imaged in the SEM. However, for nanoscale features this is complicated by that fact that X-ray spatial resolution is typically larger than SEM imaging resolution. Figure 1 shows EDS maps from an integrated circuit cross section at 15kV and 6kV using a W SEM and an FE SEM, as well as the approximate X-ray signal depths at those voltages.

Cryo-SEM imaging is a powerful tool in studying the structures of electron beam and vacuum sensitive materials. These materials include: fragile biological structures such as fungi, plants, cells, etc. as well as soft or volatile samples and even liquids. Cryo-SEM offers some clear advantages by rapidly freezing a sample prior to imaging, thus maintaining the sample as close as possible to its natural state. Long dehydration and chemical fixation steps can be avoided. Inhibiting dehydration helps maintain delicate structures without shrinkage. Moreover, volatile or even liquid samples are stabilized under the electron beam. Cryo fracturing techniques allow for study of the internal microstructure of these types of vulnerable materials as well.

In recent years with the advances in both EBSD and FE-SEM technology there have been renewed efforts at analyzing nanostructured materials at high temperatures using dedicated specimen holders and sub-stages. Although the techniques for EBSD analysis of bulk materials using heating stages have been well established [1], the requirements for nanostructured materials preparation and analysis obviously differs from bulk materials and can benefit from a miniaturized heater with smaller sample/higher temperature capacity capability [2].

Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a powerful technique capable of characterizing extremely fine grained microstructures in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Electron Backscatter Patterns (EBSPs) are generated near the sample surface, typically from a depth in the range 10 – 50nm. In order to achieve effective analysis it is imperative to combine high beam current with small probe size to achieve high spatial resolution in a time efficient manner.

Utilizing Monte Carlo Modeling of electron trajectories Electron Flight Simulator is a software tool designed to make your job easier. It can help you understand difficult samples, show the best way to run an analysis, and help explain results to others. With it you can see how the electron beam penetrates your sample, and where the X-ray signal comes from, for a wide variety of microscope conditions. You can model multiple layers, particles, defects, inclusions, and cross-sections. Any sample chemistry can be modeled.

JEOL SEMs are delivered with the capability for remote viewing and remote operation. The SEM computer includes a 2nd ethernet card for connection to your local area network. There is no need for a second support computer. Just connect your JEOL SEM computer to a reliable and fast broadband internet connection and choose the software platform that meets your remote access requirements.


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