In this MSTips, thermal desorption GC/MS measurements of a commercial antibacterial lunch box product are performed and the integrated qualitative analysis results are reported using msFineAnalysis iQ.
In this MSTips, GC/MS measurements of water-based inks for commercial inkjet printers are performed, and the results of integrated qualitative analysis of the obtained measurement data using msFineAnalysis iQ are reported.
msFineAnalysis iQ uses not only library DB search but also multiple identification functions such as retention index and isotope matching, so highly accurate qualitative analysis is possible.
Automatic structure analysis software for data acquired by electron ionization and soft ionization Designed specifically for GC-HRTOFMS: AccuTOF™ GC-Alpha
What is a Gas Chromatograph – Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS)? Learn more in this guidebook written by our experts.
DART mass spectrometry commonly uses helium as the DART gas. With the looming helium shortage, other gases are being evaluated for DART.
In this work we used msFineAnalysis to compare Vinyl Acetate Resins that were measured by using Pyrolysis (Py)-GC-MS.
In this work, we compare sensitivity levels when using the combination EI/FI and EI/PI ion sources when He and N2 are used as the GC carrier gas.
In this guidebook, we will introduce polymeric material analysis solutions that make full use of JEOL's high-performance mass spectrometers.
The JMS-S3000 SpiralTOF™-plus Ultra-High Mass Resolution MALDI-TOFMS System time-of-flight optics design utilizes a figure-eight ion trajectory to allow a 17m flight path to fit in an extremely small console.