Analytical Instrument Documents

The JMS-S3000 SpiralTOF has a unique 17m flight path that offers then highest resolution MALDI-TOF MS system currently available. However, ions with a very short lifetime or that undergo spontaneous dissociation during their flight cannot be detected by the SpiralTOF (or a conventional reflection TOF). To address this situation, the SpiralTOF with Linear TOF option can be used for the high sensitivity analysis of intact proteins.

Diesel Fuel Analysis by GCxGC/EI (Hydrocarbon Classification); Biomarker Analysis by GCxGC/PI (Target Analysis using 2D EICC); Type Analysis by GCxGC/FI (Hydrocarbon Type Analysis); Synthetic Polymer Analysis by Pryolysis GCxGC/EI and FI (Unknown Compounds Analysis in Nylon 66); Additives Analysis by Pyrolysis GCxGC/EI and FI (Targeted Additives Analysis in Nitrile Butadiene Rubber); Natural Polymer Analysis by Pyrolysis GCxGC/EI and PI (Powerful Separation of the Main Components in a Japanese Lacquer Film); Soluble Organic Fraction Analysis by GCxGC/EI (Analysis of PAHs in Exhaust Gas); Electronic Waste Analysis by GCxGC/EI and Negative CI (Halogenated Compounds Analysis); Aroma Oil (Fragrance) Analysis by GCxGC/EI and FI (Molecular ion detection for Alcohol compounds); Sebum Analysis by GCxGC/EI (Pharmaceutical application)

Hemp is a strain of Cannabis sativa that has multiple industrial uses including paper, plastics, woven goods, and even food. While certain strains of Cannabis sativa are well-known for their use as a recreational drug due the presence of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp strains are defined by the U.S. federal government as those that contain less than 0.3% THC.1 Additionally, hemp strains typically contain more cannabidiol (CBD),2 which was recently approved by the FDA to treat certain types of epilepsy, and is currently being investigated as a medical treatment for other afflictions.

Introduction: In recent years, polymer materials have become more complex due to increased composition and diversification so that a one-sided analysis is insufficient and multifaceted observations and analyses are required. In response to this need, JEOL has engaged in applied research under the keyword of "YOKOGUSHI" (multifaceted cross-instrumental) using various instruments organically. In this Urushi Note, multifaceted analysis methods for polymer materials are illustrated using the examples of natural lacquer (urushi) analysis.

Gas Analysis Solutions with JEOL Mass Spectrometers

We investigated the structural analysis of the polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) polymer exposed to the on-plate alkaline degradation method by using the JMS-S3000 "SpiralTOFTM-plus" with TOF-TOF option. The SpiralTOFTM-plus uses an ultra-high resolution TOF for MS1 which allows monoisotopic precursor selection and a reflectron TOF for MS2 to analyze the product ion spectra produced from high energy collisional induced dissociation (HE-CID).

In this work, we introduce the msFineAnalysis software and use it to automatically combine data acquired by GC/EI and GC/soft ionization for the qualitative analysis of compounds produced by the pyrolysis of a vinyl acetate resin.

In this report, we have applied this combined method to analyze a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that was degraded by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation.

In this report, we have expanded MALDI-MSI to analyzing a PET film that was exposed to UV radiation. Additionally, a SEM was used to look at the morphological differences in the PET film before and after UV irradiation.

In this study, we used the JMS-S3000 to test several matrices for PSD effects and to measure high resolution mass spectra of intact insulin, ubiquitin and cytochrome C.


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  • No-D NMR
  • Description of No-D NMR and how it can be used to eliminate the need for deuterated solvents
  • Non Uniform Sampling (NUS)
  • Description of how NUS is used to greatly reduce the time needed for running NMR experiments
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  • Overview of the Basics of NMR Theory
  • NMR Magnet Destruction
  • See our presentation of the slicing open of a JEOL Delta-GSX 270 MHz NMR Magnet
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